The last 2 weeks have been a tad blurry. Let me sum it up...
2 kids
3 trips to urgent care
Mom sick
Easter plans cancelled
Eye Infection
An infant that can't have medicine (where is the infant tylenol cold when you need it!)
More snuggles
Allergic reaction
Wow, as if that isn't enough to top it off I managed to crack my head open. My white flag is flying high today! I know I will miss this someday when my kids are all grown but at the moment I'm excited to wish the last couple weeks farewell.
So if orders or proofs are taking a little longer than normal I deeply apologize. I'm right around 2 1/2 weeks on proofs right now.
Although I will still snuggle every chance I can get I think we have turned a corner. Our nanny will be here tomorrow for the first time in a couple weeks so I'm anxious to spend some time catching up.
Here are a few I've been working on in between "mommy time".

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